Friday, 15 October 2010

Things to consider on the shoot

What could go wrong on the shoot?

I have to organized when filming as the following things could go wrong:
- not having permission to film in a location such as shopping centre
-Forgetting equipment
-leaving equipment behind on the shoot
-Not knowing what I have to do on the shoot
-Coming back to school with out any footage ( as this will waste other peoples time as they could have recorded)
-Actors being unreliable
-Absence from school, therefore missing editing
-time wasting on the shoot, which could mean everything will take too long
-Not leaving enough time for transport problems

I will also have to have excellent communication skills as the following could go wrong:
- Things could go wrong if I don't explain myself properly
-Not speaking out and saying how you feel
-Losing patients with other people
-other members to answering phones , or responding to group requests
-Arguements in groups
-Last minute changes to plan with out consulting my actor and actress
-Actors getting bored/ hungry/ annoyed/ cold
-Not recording

There could be Technical problems:
- camera battery not charged
-No knowledge on how to use equipment
-poor lighting
-poor sound
-shaky camera
-poor framing
- I have got to make sure I have a limited variety of shot distances,angles, movement
-poor consideration of continuity

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Production Schedule

Shoot One
Location: My House
Date: 23/10/10
Times: 9am-5pm

Casts needed for this date:
India Cox,Megan Moles, Hannah Strong and Sam Bushell

Scenes to Shoot:
  • Bedroom Scenes- e.g. girl getting up in the morning, dressing table, park and picnic scenes, Cake table,painting Belly, Doors and Running scene,night cars, and raining scene, Mouth scenes.
Shoot Two
Location: School
Date: arranging in process

Casts Needed:
Megan Moles

Scenes to shoot:
stage shoots of singer in lecture theatre, Piano scene.

Shoot Three

Casts needed: None

Scenes to shoot: Landscapes of London

The idea above I had to scrap due to people being unreliable and new ideas.

I have decided that I am only going to have two people acting my Music video A girl and boy.

Girl: plays two parts, Studio and main girl scene. India Cox said she would be committed to do this.

Boy: plays the boy who is in love with the girl. Liam Pugsley said he would be committed to do this.

Day one : Bedroom scenes of India Cox
This will be filmed on 12th October 2010, 9- 5pm

Day two: Running Scenes of Liam Pugsley
This will be filmed on 13th October 2010 9-5pm

Day three: The couple in garden together
This will be filmed on 25 October 2010 9-5pm

Day Four: Studio Scenes of india Cox 10-2pm
This will be filmed on 1st November

Day Five: Glitter Lip Scene 10-12pm
This will be filmed on 2nd November

Day Six: Meal and park scene 10-4
This Will be filmed on 10th November

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Asset List

  • Camcorder
  • A house
  • Bed
  • Slippers
  • Microphone and Stage
  • Blue eye shadow and nail vanish
  • Red Lipstick
  • Toothbrush
  • Sink
  • Window and Curtains
  • Swings and Slides
  • Picture
  • Dressing Table with a mirror
  • Frames for freezing shots
  • Two Umbrellas
  • A bench
  • Fruit shoot and Sweets
  • Flowers
  • Money for Travel
  • Shoes
  • Shoulder bag
  • Piano
  • Table of goodies
  • Wine and three glasses
  • A watch
  • Party Poppers
  • Phone
  • Door Bell
  • Wall
  • Door
  • Present and bouquet of flowers
  • Butterfly floor dangles
  • Paint Brush
  • Red and Blue Paint
  • Blanket
  • Picnic
  • Bush
  • Cars

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Initial pitches

Hot 'N' Cold- Katy Perry

Possible ideas for this music video ( I like the idea of splitting the video into two. e.g dance and storyline)

I would like to include things that represent Hot and Cold such as taps,scarfs and Sun Glasses.


Two dancers and a main girl who sings and lead dancer in dance scenes

Man ( girls boyfriend)


Two dancers, one wearing RED and morph suit and one wearing BLUE morph suit

The main girl - black/white dress with red and blue accessories
and in the dancer section a flower dress.


Bedroom, lecture theatre( at school, classroom and a park

Camera angles

close ups, extreme close ups, two-shots, point of view shot, over the shoulder shot

Editing styles

freeze framing

Mr Blue Sky- Lily Allen>

possible ideas for music video ( again I would like to split the video into two, maybe a story line and studio

Performers- a girl , a studio girl , a boy

casual clothes


bedroom , parks, pubs

Camera angles

two shot, point of view , close up

Editing Styles

freeze framing, cloning