Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Blood Hound Gang-Bad Touch Preliminary Task

For our preliminary task for A2, we had to copy a music video , this was to help us pick up skills in premier pro such as editing and cutting, and to also get use to the camera itself. As a class, we chose to copy the music video "The Bad Touch" by The Blood Hound Gang as it looked like we would have a good time producing it ,as after all some of us will be dressed as monkeys.

However, this did not go quite to plan. When we first started recording, many of us were very hyper and this showed in the outcome of the first part of the video. Many of us in the video (including me) were smiling and avoiding laughter , this sort of ruined some shots and it took longer in a way because the blood hound gang kept very serious faces in the monkey outfits which made this more hilarious.I think there would have been a better result if we had planned the music video more, and maybe practiced instead of going strait into the recording as then most of us would be over the giggles once we have gone over shots, but we didn't have much time to rehearse but the acting was good considering we had not that much time.

At first I found the camera quite hard to use , but we all took turns to film which really helped my knowledge to use the camera. I also thought this was great teamwork.

Main Concerns
My main concern this year was loosing my work, as this happened last year during my As level and I lost most of my work. On this task, I saved after everyProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0

lip I edited to prevent this happening again and I will for my work in the future.

I could describe Editing in two words. TIME CONSUMING. However once the editing was complete , I enjoyed the sigh of relief.

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